
Hello! My name is Fish.I am a bisexual, 20 y/o artist who Just now started to do it full time! She/they are the pronouns for me, but I don’t care what you call me as long as it’s kind!I like marine biology, animation, horror films, kissing my boyfriend, and the occasional silly little craft. The specific series that I really like are: Puella Magi Madoka Magica, the Portal series, and Spy X Family.

Here are my socials! Though, I’m mostly active on Twitter, Deviantart and Toyhouse.

Eh? Still here? Ok, it's trivia time.

  • I almost died from choking on a cookie alone in my room when I was about 13.

  • I love swimming but can’t properly swim.

  • I turned my sleep paralysis demon from high school into a character that I can bully.

  • I have completed over 11 sketchbooks front to back.

  • I am an enfp-t!!

  • I have really bad adhd help

  • Cc..c.owboys…. Ladies…. Ahh..

  • I won't play a deck for the pokemon tcg with lost zone I WON'T DO IT I HATE FLOWER SELECTING I'LL NEVER FLOWER SELECT I WONT YOU CAN'T MAKE ME

Click on the buttons below to navigate!

Artistic Statement

I have drawn ever since I could hold a pencil and have kept up with it despite life’s many hardships. Drawing has been one of the only consistent things in my life since birth, second only to my body. Art is very personal to me and has always helped me push through times where I thought I’d be done for.Resilience is the name of the game for me. It is my sincere promise to everyone reading this anywhere in the world that I will never ever stop making things. The things I make may change–my ideas might change too–but those that follow me will always see things that I have made. My art reflects who and what I am in the world when I draw.Even though I try to keep things light, I have to warn that a lot of my art includes dark subjects such as emotional abuse, mental illness, self harm, suicide, murder, violence, and more gruesome things. Click the button at the top of the page for a list of content warnings. I draw to work through a whirlwind of my own struggle with such topics, but I understand that that isn’t for everyone. I ask that if you are sensitive to those things to be careful when browsing my page. Although this sort of content from me has calmed down as my circumstances have improved, there will still be the occasional post like that. Some things don’t leave forever, do they?A lot of my personal art and characters takes inspiration from dreams and nightmares. What better inspiration than your own subconscious, right? It’s like a condensed form of emotion just already wrapped up for me to pull apart and color! How exciting!I used to try to expel every negative feeling from myself as soon as I felt it, but I learned with help from my peers and from watching the effects of doing that in my loved ones that that is not the path for me. I create my art as a monument to my feelings. Sadness, anger, grief, joy, and love all exist inside of me. I want people to feel catharsis in the art I make- or at least feel less alone.I try to create art with an in depth look at humanity. I struggle with the concept of evil and it is hard for me to believe a person is evil. Evil people exist, sure- but you’ll be hard pressed to find a purely evil character of mine. The ones who are I ignore until I need them to highlight the struggle of the ones who exist in opposition to that evil. As someone who used to heavily struggle with black and white thinking, I try to combat overcorrection of the soul by defining things from every possible angle.I believe in the good of humanity and the good consciousness of individuals everywhere- no matter the circumstance. In the world we live in, I believe it is more important now than ever to spread a message of love, understanding, and empathy. I want to try my best to spread that message too! I want everyone to try their best every day and understand that everyone else is trying their best too. I know I’m trying my best, even if sometimes it feels like I could be doing more.Remember, laziness is made up to make you feel bad and you are the only eternal you will ever experience- so take care of yourself!

Some art that I made to express these ideals. Consider it a mini portfolio.

Content Warnings

Generally, my content should be considered for audiences 16+
Things that are explicitly nsfw and/or not suitable for those under 18 will be correctly filtered and put in the correct places. If something is ever not in the correct place or tagged appropriately, it is a mistake. Notify me immediately.
If the fact I draw any of these things and/or nsfw in general bothers you PLEASE respect your own boundaries and be sure to not engage with my works.

  • Emotional / Physical abuse

  • Mental Illness

  • Suggestive poses/content (usually separated on my nsfw twitter)

  • Substances/substance abuse (mainly alcohol- rarely touched on, however)

  • Suicide

  • Self harm

  • Masochism

  • Violence

  • Gore on humans (will not draw animal death or include it in any of my works unless the story only features animals)

Terms of Service

Things I can draw

  • Furries

  • Humans + Humanoids

  • People from real life (with their consent)

  • Terrifying monstrosities

  • Creatures

  • Body horror

  • Candy gore + Gore

  • nsfw/suggestive (some conditions apply. I’m still new at drawing this sort of thing so I might be a little rough around the edges with it–constructive criticism is always appreciated!!)

Things I won't draw

  • Mecha

  • Overly complicated designs

  • Hateful content

  • Animal death (doesnt include anthro furries)

  • Fetish content that appears sfw but has sexual intent

  • Macro/micro

  • Underaged characters in nsfw (won't do it ever! if you ask I will block you! ^^)

  • Feral nsfw (won't do it ever! If you ask, I will block you! ^^)

General Rules

  • When you buy a commission you can use it for personal uses without asking! Depending on the commercial use, you will need my permission. I will typically say yes, though!

  • I usually take up to two weeks to complete a commission!

  • payment will be sent either through ko-fi or paypal

  • For most commission types I will send you periodic wips! I will usually send a sketch for approval and then take bigger leaps from there.

  • Refunds will not be able to be processed if I have already started sketching your commission.

  • Minor revisions are typically always ok. I will let you know if there is an issue though!

  • Major revisions for traditional works won't be accepted! I try to keep everyone up to date with the process though, so be sure to catch a mistake on a traditional work early!

  • Major revisions for digital works will be accepted but may come at a fee depending on how far I am in completion.

  • Revisions after I am finished with digital commissions will not be accepted at all as I probably have deleted the layer file by then. Some exceptions may apply! So, don't be afraid to ask anyway!

  • If you upload the finished work anywhere you must give credit! This is as simple as leaving my signature visible in the work if it is present or posting a link/@ing to one of my socials.

  • I may upload my finished art to social media publicly! Let me know if you do not wish for me to do that.

I don't ask for much so please follow my rules please! I'm an extremely flexible person but even so there's some things I need to draw a line on.

Commission Info

My commissions can be found on Ko-fi, but for those who don't or can’t use it my prices are here for easy access! All of my prices are with USD and I can take paypal or boosty! (Paypal is preferred until I get comfy with boosty)

Traditional Sketch - 4$+
These will mostly be a surprise with no wips sent, but minor alterations can be made still! If I decide to color it, I will provide a version with the color and one without!
$4 = Headshot sketch
$5 = Bust sketch
$7 = Half body sketch
$10 = Fullbody sketch
+ Adding digital coloring = +3$
+ Adding digital coloring & shading = +6$
+ Additional character = price x2

Quick digital sketch - $4+
These have more effort put into them than traditional sketches. If you'd like it done in a particular color let me know!
$4 = Headshot sketch
$5 = Bust sketch
$7 = Half body sketch
$10 = Fullbody sketch
+ Adding flat coloring = +3$
+ Adding coloring & shading = +3$
+ Additional character = price x2

Pixel pagedoll - $8+
A small pixel pagedoll of your character. I may need to simplify some design elements to make them fit, but I will try not to.
-additional character + 8$
-small blink/bounce animation + 4$

Fully shaded 200x200 Icon - $10+
Adding a background outside of the template one is free, though I may not have room to do a whole lot!
-additional linking icon + 10$

Let me do whatever I want - $15+
Here's the fun thing! You can just toss me a character and let me do whatever I want! I will still respect everything about the characters design, however what you get is totally random! If its a character that really inspires me, you could even get a full scene done! Though, do not count on it.
You will never get anything less than a colored piece OR a sketch page.
-guaranteed additional character +10$

Traditional sketch page - $20
I will sketch a random number of sketches, but you’ll always get 3 or more. You don’t have to pay for additional characters with this commission–I can just include them! There is no option for full color on these. The sketches you receive will be totally random, but I will follow guidelines to themes and such if you want me to include something like that!

Fully shaded digital full body - $30+
Just as the title says, you will get a fully shaded full body.
-additional character(s) + 15$ each

Ych Corner!

Hazzah! More commissions but these are based on existing arts also by me.

Sleepy blankie pal - 5$
Shaded little baby wrapped up in a blanket! Cute!